Where we are:


We normally meet at the observatory (bldg. 750) on the Niceville campus of Northwest Florida State College.

nwfsc observatory 002

There are three campus entrances from E. College Blvd.  Enter the western most entrance and proceed to the ‘T’ intersection.  Turn left.  Follow the new perimeter road around the baseball field on your right.  You will pass the softball field again on your right.  Still following the only road, you will pass a large asphalt driving pad on your left.  Just past the driving pad on the left will be two dirt/gravel roads.  The first is the exit from the observatory.  The second; the entrance.  The entrance has a prominent sign indicating the observatory building number (750).  The road is single lane, one way and narrow.  It winds its way back into the woods to the observatory. There is very limited parking at the observatory. The overflow parking is a loop of dirt road with periodic widening for a vehicle.

 Posted by at 1:14 pm